
day #365 - the end of an era

I thought I was on top of it; I had finished early and was looking for a movie to watch already 3 hours ago. And I don't know how time went by. A phonecall, some networking studying, some online shopping and here we are, already past the time for an early movie. Regardless, today is a special day. The blog is over! I finished 365 days of daily painting and recording it, whatever that means. A big part of the process I will have to keep doing mainly for myself. Perhaps taking daily photos of my work and saving it on some folder. This has provem useful many times when I trying to date a piece I've been working on. Also making a small diary of today's achievements. It's still useful. But this will be done for my eyes only. I also don't know if I will be continuing my obsessively daily painting. How would life be if I had days off? Now for example that I'm moving out and I have to daily chores that until now were completely taken care of, perhaps I'll allow my

day #181 - Just doodles

Today I went to the ancient stadium and spent some time there. I draw some trees that I always find difficult and then some heads. I'm pretty satisfied with both. I particularly enjoyed the trees; try to measure angles, trying to see volumes between the major branches. It's an interesting challenge trying to paint what you see once in a while. The faces were interesting in their own respect. I could had done more pieces but I'm glad I didn't: I'm glad I came home instead and called it a day. It feels nice slowing down occasionally. I also did a bit of 3D modelling on Gravity Sketch. But I said I won't be concerned with that here. Oops.

day #180 - The factory-mode

Today I kept working on both pieces that remain unfinished so I can free some space for the next one. As is, I cannot start something else currently. Well that might be wrong, since I have two prestretched canvases and a primed wooden-board that I could use. In any case, I did minor adjustments to the two pieces but had the opportunity to work on improving my acrylics blending technique!

day #179 - VRoom!

So this was it today! I decided not to go to the studio and instead go for a hot chocolate. Later I finished modelling the 3D car in Gravity Sketch and did some ink sketches in my cheap notebook that I haven't done for quite some time. I feel a bit strange including the 3D model here since I was focusing on "drawing" and "painting" and outside the initial sketching phase that I did yesterday, this wasn't about drawing so probably I should keep it like that here. But today I wont. What did I enjoy about today? The fact that I didn't go to the studio, the fact that I resisted doing "a [watercolor] painting instead" and simply did some doodling. Of course I'm worried. Worried that now I've broken the streak and who knows whether I'll be able to pick up "painting" again or I will be dragged into some months of "doodling" or "iPad head-drawing-practice. I'm worried that the fascination of 3D on my Oculus Ques

day #178 - Saint Baccus continued

Today I resumed working on yesterday's piece.  I think I'm liking this 70x100cm size; it's very familiar, allows for somewhat dynamic painting and is manageable. Anyway. Didn't sleep last night so today I was up early and decided that I should go to the studio before napping and make use of the better noon light. Evidently today's photos of the artwork have been the best ever (I even took better photos of the Ruins piece). I also had many more hours to work on it (and I only left because I was sleepy and hungry). What did I like about today's piece? The emergent realism. I liked how the flesh is starting to look like flesh, how the tunic is resembling fabric with its folds and highlights, how the surgical mask at hand looks like a mast and even the controversial under-garment is looking like a transparent plastic ...skirt. Until the very end I was torn between giving him one of those long flowery swimming-suits, a flowery-towel or make him nude, and I'm glad

day #177 - Saint Baccus

Today's work is something I'm somewhat proud of. It started randomly with a burnt umber sketch that quickly resembled a human figure and then random colors trying to fill the canvas. This was the sheet of primed paper. Didn't make much difference though I wonder whether this allowed for the paper to be more waterproof, thus warping less. Or perhaps it was the numerous staples I put. I'll never know. In any case, it's 70x100cm which is a manageable size for a "one session" though due to the lack of electricity in my studio and the later hours that I wake up, I can't stay more than 2 or 3h. In other words, I didn't finish it yet, but I plan on finishing it soon. Towards the end, I started getting realistic which I like a lot. If I get the chance, I hope to study a bit the elbow and the light on it but knowing myself, I'll probably wing it. The arms are disproportionately long, but I don't mind. I enjoyed creating the flesh color, the highligh

day #176 - Fawn, Nymph and another day digging up the ruins

Today I went back to the studio and kept working on the "ruins" painting. Very slowly, it's coming along. Apparently it's not going to turn into something else, but at least I'm managing to cover the initial sloppy brushstrokes. Had I know it would had taken me this long, I would had been more systematic. Anyway, looking back, it seems to be improving which is nice; the shapes in the pillar on the left getting better and I'm there is a 3D space emerging. I also like lighting surfaces. I've also explored "undoing" my latest brushstrokes by using a rug to remove the dry paint and mixing precise colors by trying to match the underlying color. It's a good exercise one that I'm sure will teach me a few things more. I als want to start putting in lost edges, better reflected light, and perhaps textures. Will see if I ever get that chance to finish it. After all, I have one or two more weeks in that space and in the meantime I plan on working on

day #175 - back to Sketching

Today I did some head drawing and some VR sculpting which I won't include here since I don't even know how to export it. I'm satisfied with the overall results,they are interesting. I'm still struggling with the eyes - I need to get back to formally studying it at some point. I did a coule of poses too and they were better than anticipated given that I hadn't done it for quite some time!