Here we are. Another random thing that turned into buildings. First the things that I don’t like (so that I get them out of my lungs) - I don’t like the whiteness and the chaotic values in the work (when again I wonder whether this is some real defect, or just me enjoying clear values). I don’t like the palette that is too primary (I have the Red-Blue-Yellow guilt). And I don’t like unclear figure in the bottom left part of the image. Is there a way for me to release all that negativity? The palette, I had hoped it would turn out a pretty one; I don’t know what it turned RYB, it makes me sad, because I put a lot of effort into mixing distinct shades.
For the lack of values, perhaps I have to accept that it might had been a far too complex subject for me to execute without direction/vision or references, let alone both at the same time. Or, alternatively perhaps I could accept that this “chaotic” values, might not be all bad, and maybe there is beauty into that. I like visual complexity after all, no?
The figure (that was initially a man, a child and a horse) at least is not very distracting. I would had worked on it more and more but I needed to put my brush down. Finally the palette despite being very “pure” RYB (something that I’ve been criticized against and hence the effort to prove I can do differently), is something I like; I enjoy how I can use colors that appear very unmixed and very pure and create something. I also recognize me wish to have more atmospheric palettes, less chaotic ones though.
So what do I truly like in the work? The buildings, the pixelated sky, the shadows on the spikes of the dome, the rocky ground-plane.
Today has been a step further into picking up the painting practice (though I’m at the same time feeling the “dissatisfaction”. I may have to slow down in order to avoid another burnout.
That is all for now.

I couldn’t go to bed without expressing something. It was night, I didn’t have any musical instruments available, and then I saw my pastels and remembered an unfinished A4 sized notebook. I decided to do something for that. I think I’m liking pastels, there is something very expressive when working with them. The intensity, the coarseness, perhaps merely the paper size. I suddenly looking forward to working with oil and acrylics in larger scale. It’s a very strange piece of artwork; I like it, there is a certain balance and dynamic in it. A meadow (or is it an angry sea?) , a tree, housing and perhaps thunders? Why did I draw a house and tree combo, a childish theme? But then I did. I like the colors and the flow, and I liked the process too. Pastel sticks are so different to the brushes: They also have dynamics but unlike the brush, the stick is constantly evolving, it’s tip is changing shape you have to be mindful of that and utilize it too. Now it’s truly time for bed.
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