day #365 - the end of an era

I thought I was on top of it; I had finished early and was looking for a movie to watch already 3 hours ago. And I don't know how time went by. A phonecall, some networking studying, some online shopping and here we are, already past the time for an early movie. Regardless, today is a special day. The blog is over! I finished 365 days of daily painting and recording it, whatever that means. A big part of the process I will have to keep doing mainly for myself. Perhaps taking daily photos of my work and saving it on some folder. This has provem useful many times when I trying to date a piece I've been working on. Also making a small diary of today's achievements. It's still useful. But this will be done for my eyes only. I also don't know if I will be continuing my obsessively daily painting. How would life be if I had days off? Now for example that I'm moving out and I have to daily chores that until now were completely taken care of, perhaps I'll allow my...

day #221 - Rendering Rocks

Today was a good day: I resumed the latest pastel piece and while I wasn't expecting it to reach any interesting point, I entered a phase of rendering light and shadow which is oddly satisfying and makes you feel cool doing it. Plus it's a nice puzzle trying to imagine what would be reflected onto a surface, and what color would result from the combination of the local color and the reflected light. I've only only edited certain parts of the piece but we shall see where it goes. After the sun set, I was still in the mood for more but the energy got wasted on other stuff so another time.


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