day #365 - the end of an era

I thought I was on top of it; I had finished early and was looking for a movie to watch already 3 hours ago. And I don't know how time went by. A phonecall, some networking studying, some online shopping and here we are, already past the time for an early movie. Regardless, today is a special day. The blog is over! I finished 365 days of daily painting and recording it, whatever that means. A big part of the process I will have to keep doing mainly for myself. Perhaps taking daily photos of my work and saving it on some folder. This has provem useful many times when I trying to date a piece I've been working on. Also making a small diary of today's achievements. It's still useful. But this will be done for my eyes only. I also don't know if I will be continuing my obsessively daily painting. How would life be if I had days off? Now for example that I'm moving out and I have to daily chores that until now were completely taken care of, perhaps I'll allow my

day #37 - Yellow

What can I say... I'm satisfied; I wasn't planning on putting any effort and I didn't; probably this is the quickest I've done in a long time. I started with a sloppy page with doodles using my brushpen and then I moved to the fineliner and did some perspective, and lite rendering. Yeap, for marketing purposes I swapped the order, since the colorful one looks more attractive.

First of all there is some sense in worthlessness lurking at the back of my mind. Has to do with the code I wrote today; things I've heard; but I can see it my art as well. The jittery lines in the perspective composition annoy me. Or the torsos I've painted... I somehow subconsciously decided to prove myself worthy after hearing a friend say he studied these early.

So what do I like here? I like the perspective. A lot, i tried to follow my sense of 3D space, not my understanding of perspective. I feel that I did a good assortment of boxes freely oriented. I like the forms, the shading and the coloring: I used a harmonious palette which is a change from what I often do. Yellow, give or take a bit.

What about the brushpen doodles? I liked the characters, there is some design in them and I like a lot the vehicle at the top right. Space car! Finally I like the signature, how it looks with a brush.

That's all for now.


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