day #365 - the end of an era

So here we are, day 100. It's been 100 days non-stop that I've been drawing/doodling/practicing! Didn't miss a bit once. Not that before that I hadn't been consistent (over the last 3 years I'd draw 2/3 days - or was it 1/3?) nonetheless, here we are.
I don't even know that that is to be honest. What have I succeeded in? What is it that I've managed? Consistency? maybe, but I know I can't be consistent forever. Progress? I doubt it. Less social life? For sure! What have I gained? Of course proof that I have a measure of determination and discipline. A measure, being the keyword; more than some, less most probably than others. So?
It's a mystery, an elusive situation. Anyway. How has today's practice been? For a start I did 20x 45sec gestures, then 20x 30sec skeletons, then I did some heads (I haven't been doing for a long time and I'm losing my touch) then some imaginary hands, and finally 20x 45sec hand studies. Hands have been improving for sure! I also starting to explore the finger thickness and complex poses that before were impossible.
Heads have been mediocre; I feel I need to tight-down my lines; they are completely out of proportion. The gestures were good! Some feel very alive, and I've been doing almost full characters. Some I didn't have the time to even finish. Proportions are better than other times and the second sheet with the skeletons is very well-made!
What do I like most? First of all the fact that I did a few things beyond the the bare minimum; some things from imagination. The fact also that I did a refresher on heads.
Oh and I forgot that I did some logos too. While they are not better than the previous ones, I'm proud that I've decided that sometime extra time doesn't linearly indicate extra quality. That might also apply to practice then; anyway, time for bed. Or better yet, time for a movie!
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