day #365 - the end of an era

Today has been a tiresome, yet productive day. I feel I did the full package: I studied/practiced planes of the head (I'm start to memorize some different models though I'm not yet ready to integrate the study to reality), did shading, did something creative and finally (had almost forgotten it) did gesture/posture practice (body, hand and head). By the time I was doing the postures I was beat; I was on afterburners. Probably not the best way to study but I'm both happy that I did it, and that the results were decent for a deadbeat.
I'm leaving the best part for the end, since I feel that today's doodle, has been one of the best ever! It was prompted from the idea of a tree that some people on discord channel agreed upon and starting from the tree at the center/top, and the pagoda next to, it slowly became the whole scene that can be seen.
What do I like? Everything! The line, the details, the colors, the shading, the local contrast, the perspective, the human figures, the meditating figures, the mountains, the birds, the tree-types, the branches. The narrative and the atmosphere above all! Very comic-y, very much to my liking, very successful! Time for bed.
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