After doing some logo work, I moved onto some random sketching; characters, postures, faces; eventually I arrived to a point that I had a micro-narrative; a grandfather(?) and two kids discovering a flower. I decided to blow it up, and then ink and colorize it, which I sloppily did but was too tired to do it properly. Eventually I put it aside and did some posture/gesture practice so as not to lose my streak.
What am I proud of today? For start the fact that I did quite some hours of work. This is a guilty pleasure since when I work less, I feel awful. There are a few interesting logos, though none as interesting as the original that I started with. The sketches on the other hand were nice for a change; The pooping dearman, the guy flying and the other one driving, are all very interesting! I like the arms particularly! The inking was very successful and it's nice being able to see an overall progress in my figure-drawing abililites; the whole postures were quite complex and though there was some erasing involved, it wasn't much. Though the childrens' faces are strange there is a charm to them so I won't complain.I'm not as happy about the colorization; I tried using a beautiful palette I saw on some other artwork but I completely failed to apply it! Still, I manually calculated the colors of the shaded areas and highlights without using automatic blending modes (multiply/overlay) so this is something. I also somewhat happy about the fact that the characters are lighter than the background. Finally I've started rediscovering the feet/toes and had the opportunity to practice a bit of perspective.
The daily postures were extremely fast and I feel very dynamic, even though I feel I'm pushing myself too much for the 45sec mark; nonetheless I'm progressing on the path of understanding leg anatomy. Hands are improving a lot too; tough I haven't started a form of systematic analysis.
Finally, not to forget to mention that I did some creative stuff today other than practice, and even it's probably one of the "worst" completed pieces, it's still a completed one which I'm very happy about since I spend most of my days doodling and never completing anything.
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