day #365 - the end of an era

Another day struggling to do what needs to be done; I finished the posters and hopefully won't need any revisions. I managed to do some posture practice and now I can finally head to bed. I'm satisfied with the poster designs. Posture practice was good. I like the small silhouettes a lot and the athletic ones are quite dynamic which I am happy about. Switching from the design to gestures was very difficult and I can see that right now I'm very reluctant to do more analytic drawing work! The mere thought of any more drawing practice, is cause my gag reflex - which is a sign that I've had too much for now.
I just remembered I did three watercolor wishing cards today (during my lunch break) but was in such a rush that it feels I did it years ago. Funny how I forgot about it, probably the highlight of my artistic work today! While the two designs were very derivative and pretty much copied from the google image search the third one was not only interesting and original but also looked nice!I enjoyed the ability to draw silhouettes with character and flowing movements and play with watercolors in a watercolory way.
Bed time!
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